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Negative thoughts can dominate our minds and undermine our spirits, but "Decree It" offers a lifeline; a chance to reclaim control over your thoughts and, ultimately, your life. If you feel constantly bogged down by negative self-talk and feel as if you are your own worst critic, then it's time to transform your thoughts into powerful decrees.

Many of us struggle with feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt. Despite our faith, we find ourselves overwhelmed by the challenges of daily life, unsure of how to apply our faith so we can uplift our spirits.


Decree It is not just a book; it's a transformative journey that teaches you how to harness the power of faith-fueled self-talk. Through practical guidance, biblical wisdom, and decrees, "Decree It" will equip you to claim the life of confidence, success, and spiritual abundance you're meant to have.

"Decree It" contains practical decrees based on biblical principles, step-by-step guidance on transforming negative thoughts, and inspiring stories and testimonials from some who have experienced profound changes as a result of prayer and positive self-talk. "Decree It" will help you increase your confidence and self-worth, strengthen your faith and deepen your spiritual connection, have an improved outlook on life and enhanced personal success, and develop a fervent prayer life. 


"I finished your book and took notes. It's one that I can't just read one time. It's one that I will reference back to utilize in my everyday life."-Amber M.

"I wanted to tell you that your book is soooo awesome!! It was right on time for me. I finished it and went back and read it again. I even shared certain chapters with my kids."-Jennifer C.

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