Before we dive into what it means to live a decreed life we need to first give definition to what it means to decree. A decree is an official order given by a legal authority. This order is set into place or established. So to decree means to take the word of God-what God has said about you-and to speak it over yourself, about yourself, or about your situation. God's word is law. It is established so when you decree it, it becomes the ruling factor in your life.
The practice of decreeing has been a guiding force in my life and I'm sure it has been in the lives of so many other women. Decreeing has caused me to grow spiritually, personally, and professionally. It's a form of praying. It's a lifestyle. To live a decreed life means that the word of God is the authority in your life so everyday you speak scriptures about yourself, your life, or your situation and you allow the power of God's word to shape, direct, correct, and guide you. Living a decreed life is more than just speaking affirmations, but it's allowing the scriptures to purge, prune, and polish you in every way.
When you live a decreed life you:
-Become confident in who you are in Christ and this confidence infiltrates every area of your life
-Understand your worth and you don't compromise on who you are and you don't allow others to compromise your worth
-Prayer becomes your lifestyle and you live in a postured and poised way that others know that you are a Daughter of God
-You have an inward glow that causes you to move through life with grace and gratitude
-You commit to a continuous journey of healing and transformation
-Your faith is your compass, you allow it to guide you in your decision-making
and so much more!
Living a decreed life is a life of momentum. You are not stagnant. You are clear and confident about who you are, who you should be serving, and the way you should be serving them.
Step into greatness by making decreeing a daily practice. You'll see your confidence, self-worth, and success rise to new levels!
Pamela D. Smith
